Free download best arena 6 deck
Free download best arena 6 deck

free download best arena 6 deck

The Lava Hound is your main offensive unit.Uses the Skeleton Barrel that you unlock in Arena 6.If you can harness that anger, then they will lead you to many victories. Their tragic birth is the reason they attack so viciously. The fierce Lava Pups emerge once their mother dies. For defense your Knight, Archers, Spear Goblins, and The Log will be your go to units.If you can get your Goblin Barrel to land and then summon the Zap spell to hit the tower, your Goblins will do maximum damage. To help the Goblin Barrel do even more damage, use the Zap spell.

free download best arena 6 deck

If your opponent doesn’t fall for the X-Bow bait, then the X-Bow will tick down the enemy tower’s HP instead of the Goblin Barrel.Hopefully, your enemy spent their elixir attacking the X-Bow, leaving your Goblins to attack the tower. Once the enemy troops are focused on the X-Bow, send in the Goblin Barrel.Your opponent will want to deal with the X-Bow immediately and put down troops. Place the X-Bow so it can fire on an enemy tower. Planning the optimal time to get the Goblin Barrel to hit the tower is vital to success.The goal is to carve away at your opponent’s tower little by little until you can finish it with the Rocket.This deck has dedicated defensive units.Provides a failsafe for when your opponent’s tower has a small number of HP, but you just can’t seem to get any units through (Rocket, anyone?).Uses the Rocket, X-Bow, and The Log you unlock in Arena 6.And that flooding water is a streak of wins in this metaphor. But once you break the dam and smash it wide open and the water floods out. As you are working, progress might seem slow, just like how little water will come out of a dam as you chip away. You will chip away the dam piece by piece. This deck works like breaking down a dam.

Free download best arena 6 deck